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Add your team/salle name for free!

Here's how:

1. Pick a design you like from the store.
2. Pick a font you like:

3. Pick the shirt location for your name ( logos will be removed):

    A. On the front "pocket/heart" location (maximum 6 inches in width).
    B. Across the chest (maximum of 10 inches in width).
    C. Across the back of the shirt (maximum of 10 inches in width).

4. Email me with your choice of design, font and location; your team name info; and your written word that at least 4 items will be purchased from the resulting design in the span of two calendar months. I'll email back with verification of the spelling of your name etc.
5. Order your items from the store front I create for you at the same price you see on the site already. The design should be available within one week of the emailed request. Shipping times, guarantees, etc will remain the same.

Have further questions, want something even more personalized?

Feel free to email me at with further questions and also if you are interested in a custom created design.
All Merchandise Designs and Website © 2001-2002 E.D. All rights reserved.
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